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The rubberClamp function calculates a rubberbanding effect from a given position value, two bounds (min and max), and an optional elasticity constant.

function rubberClamp(value: number, lowerbound: number, upperbound: number, constant: number = 0.15): number;


value [ number ]

The numeric value to be clamped and potentially rubberbanded.

min [ number ]

The lower bound of the clamp.

max [ number ]

The upper bound of the clamp.

constant [ number, optional ]

The elasticity constant for the rubberbanding effect. Defaults to 0.15.


[ number ]

Returns the clamped value if within the bounds (min to max). If the value exceeds these bounds, it applies a rubberband effect based on the elasticity constant.


import { rubberClamp } from 'react-ui-animate';

// Example usage
const x = rubberClamp(value, 10, 100);

In this example, rubberClamp clamps value between 10 and 100, applying a rubberband effect if value extends beyond these bounds based on the default elasticity constant of 0.15.