This hook provides a way to make any HTMLElement
[ function ]
First argument is a callback function with a drag event
object as its first argument which is called on every drag event.
Here are the properties of an event
object argument of a callback function:
Property | Description |
args | Array of argument passed in bind function. |
down | Boolean indicating the mouse click state. |
movementX | Amount of movement in x-axis. Always starts from 0 while dragging. |
movementY | Amount of movement in y-axis. Always starts from 0 while dragging. |
offsetX | Amount of movement with offset in x-axis. It saves the previous movement and drag starts from previous position. |
offsetY | Amount of movement with offset in y-axis. It saves the previous movement and drag starts from previous position. |
velocityX | Velocity along horizontal drag direction. |
velocityY | Velocity along vertical drag direction. |
directionX | Indicates the current horizontal drag direction. For positive +1, for negative -1 and for not dragging 0. |
directionY | Indicates the current vertical drag direction. For positive +1, for negative -1 and for not dragging 0. |
distanceX | Same as movementX but always positive. |
distanceY | Same as movementY but always positive. |
cancel | Function to cancel the current drag gesture. |
[ object ]
The second argument is an optional object which is called every time on mouse / pointer down event.
Options | Default | Description |
initial | undefined | Function called initially on mouse / pointer down. It must return an object with movementX and movementY properties. |
It returns a function which is spread on any HTMLELement
Define a bind function:
const bind = useDrag((event) => doSomething(event));
Apply it on a HTMLELement
<div {...bind()} style={{ width: 100, height: 100, backgroundColor: 'red' }} />
In the below example, useDrag
hook is used to make a HTMLElement
import { useAnimatedValue, useDrag, animate } from 'react-ui-animate';
export default function () {
const left = useAnimatedValue(0);
const bind = useDrag(function ({ offsetX }) {
left.value = offsetX;
return (
{...bind()} // bind here
width: 100,
height: 100,
backgroundColor: '#3399ff',
position: 'absolute',
left: left.value,
top: 0,