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Configuring Animations

React UI Animate provides two types of animation configurations: Timing and Spring based animations. By default, Animated Values in React UI Animate implement Spring based animation.

Spring-Based Animation

import { useAnimatedValue } from 'react-ui-animate';

const left = useAnimatedValue(0, { mass: 1, friction: 10, tension: 200 });

In this example, left is initialized as a spring-based animation with custom parameters (mass, friction, and tension). Spring animations are naturally balanced and simulate physical systems, providing smooth and realistic motion.

Timing-Based Animation

import { useAnimatedValue } from 'react-ui-animate';

const left = useAnimatedValue(0, { duration: 1000 });

Here, left is initialized with a timing-based animation that completes in 1 second (duration: 1000). Timing-based animations are linearly interpolated and depend solely on the specified duration, making them suitable for precise, time-dependent animations.

Pre-defined Animation Configurations

import { useAnimatedValue, AnimationConfigUtils } from 'react-ui-animate';

const left = useAnimatedValue(0, AnimationConfigUtils.BOUNCE);

You can also use pre-defined animation configurations like ELASTIC, EASE, BOUNCE, STIFF, POWER, WOOBLE, etc., provided by AnimationConfigUtils. These configurations offer different styles of animations tailored for specific effects.

Timing-Based Animation with Bezier Curve

import { useAnimatedValue, Easing } from 'react-ui-animate';

const left = useAnimatedValue(0, {
duration: 1000,
easing: Easing.bezier(0.17, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67),

Here, left uses a timing-based animation with a duration of 1 second and a custom cubic bezier curve defined by Easing.bezier(0.17, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67). Bezier curves allow for precise control over the animation's acceleration and deceleration, mimicking the behavior of CSS transitions' timing functions.

These examples demonstrate how to customize animations in React UI Animate using different configurations, including spring-based animations, pre-defined animation types, timing-based animations with easing functions, and timing-based animations with cubic bezier curves. Each configuration offers unique capabilities for creating engaging and dynamic animations in your applications.


React UI Animate offers flexible animation configurations including spring-based and timing-based animations, pre-defined styles like BOUNCE, and custom easing with cubic bezier curves. These options enable developers to create dynamic and engaging animations tailored to their application's needs.

What's Next ?

In the next section, we will look at Unmounting Components.