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This hook provides a way to handle multiple gestures on a single HTMLElement.


config [ object ]

The first arugment of useGesture hook is an object which has following properties:

onDragCallback fuction equivalent to useDrag callback with equivalent event object.
onWheelCallback fuction equivalent to useWheel callback with equivalent event object.
onScrollCallback fuction equivalent to useScroll callback with equivalent event object.
onMouseMoveCallback fuction equivalent to useMouseMove callback with equivalent event object.


It returns a function which is spread on any HTMLELement.


In the below example, useGesture hook for drag and wheel:

import { useGesture, animate } from "react-ui-animate";

export default function() {
const bind = useGesture({
onDrag: function({ movementX }) { ... },
onWheel: function({ deltaX }) { ... },

return (
{...bind()} // bind here
width: 100,
height: 100,
backgroundColor: "#3399ff",