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Animation Modifiers

To achieve dynamic animations with precise control, React UI Animate provides animation modifier functions. These modifiers allow customization of animation configurations when setting animation values using useAnimatedValue.

Applying withSpring modifier

The withSpring modifier facilitates spring-based animations on an animation value.

import { useAnimatedValue, withSpring } from 'react-ui-animate';

const animation = useAnimatedValue(0);

const animateRight = () => {
animation.value = withSpring(100);

You can further customize the spring configuration by passing options such as friction and tension.

animation.value = withSpring(100, { friction: 5 });

Applying withTiming modifier

The withTiming modifier enables timing-based animations on an animation value.

import { useAnimatedValue, withTiming } from 'react-ui-animate';

const animation = useAnimatedValue(0);

const animateRight = () => {
animation.value = withTiming(100);

You can adjust the timing configuration by passing options such as duration or easing.

animation.value = withTiming(100, { duration: 5000 });

Applying withEase modifier

By default, the withEase modifier applies ease animation. It is automatically used if no other modifier function is specified.

import { useAnimatedValue, withEase } from 'react-ui-animate';

const animation = useAnimatedValue(0);

const animateRight = () => {
animation.value = withEase(100); // Same as animation.value = 100

Sequence Animation with withSequence modifier

To create sequential animations, use the withSequence modifier in combination with other modifiers like withTiming, withSpring, or withEase as an array.

import {
} from 'react-ui-animate';

const animation = useAnimatedValue(0);

const animateRight = () => {
animation.value = withSequence([withSpring(50), withTiming(100)]);

In this example, animation.value first animates with a spring animation to 50, followed by a timing animation to 100.

Applying Pre-defined configs with withConfig modifier

To create sequential animations, use the withSequence modifier in combination with other modifiers like withTiming, withSpring, or withEase as an array.

To apply different pre-defined configs from AnimationConfigUtils like ELASTIC, BOUNCE, WOOBLE etc. we can use withConfig modifier.

import {
} from 'react-ui-animate';

const animation = useAnimatedValue(0);

const animateLeft = () => {
animation.value = withConfig(0, AnimationConfigUtils.WOOBLE);

const animateRight = () => {
animation.value = withConfig(100, AnimationConfigUtils.BOUNCE);

In this example, animation.value is applied with BOUNCE animation when Animate Right button is clicked and WOOBLE animation when Animate Left button is clicked.

What's Next ?

In the next section, we will look at Handling Gestures.