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Version: 3.x


The clamp function clamps a numeric value between an upper and lower bound, ensuring the value does not exceed these bounds.

function clamp(value: number, lowerbound: number, upperbound: number): number;


value [ number ]

The numeric value to be clamped.

lowerbound [ number ]

The lower bound for the value.

upperbound [ number ]

The upper bound for the value.


[ number ]

Returns the clamped value between the specified lowerbound and upperbound.


The returned value is clamped between lowerbound 10 and upperbound 100.

import { clamp } from 'react-ui-animate';

const value = 150;
const clampedValue = clamp(value, 10, 100);
console.log(clampedValue); // Output: 100

In this example, the clamp function ensures that value is constrained within the bounds of 10 and 100, resulting in an output of 100 when value is 150.